QA: Cifc Corp in us_finance_services/2011

Table of Contents

See also this year's filing and all EDGAR filings for this company.

PDF Report 0001313918_2012_Cifc_Corp.pdf


warning Missing logo {}
warning Large missing amount for aggregate "Liabilities" added to remainder. industry.us_generic {'missing_ratio': 38.937627928982295, 'aggregate_val': 8019276000, 'exp_sum': 200795000, 'exp_to_value': {'DepositsAndPayablesToCustomers': 0, 'Debt': 137455000, 'LoansPayable': 15840000, 'OperatingAndEmployeeLiabilities': 0, 'remainder_Liabilities': 47500000}}
warning Large missing amount for aggregate "Assets" added to remainder. industry.us_generic {'missing_ratio': 35.93204664957699, 'aggregate_val': 8442592000, 'exp_sum': 228598000, 'exp_to_value': {'Investments': 0, 'CashAndCurrentAssets': 38170000, 'IntangibleAssets': 123498000, 'remainder_Assets': 66930000}}
info Failed to set obs_EconomicCapitalRatio industry.us_generic {'reason': "KeyError('0001313918')"}


Absolute values for 0001313918, Cifc Corp

  xvar xval
0 DepositsAndPayablesToCustomers 0
1 Debt 137,455,000
2 LoansPayable 15,840,000
3 OperatingAndEmployeeLiabilities 0
4 remainder_Liabilities 7,865,981,000
5 Investments 0
6 CashAndCurrentAssets 38,170,000
7 IntangibleAssets 123,498,000
8 remainder_Assets 8,280,924,000
9 LaborExpense 19,993,000
10 SellingAndGeneralAdministrativeExpense 3,498,000
11 CostOfGoodsSold 0
12 OperatingExpenses 1,495,000
13 DepreciationInterestAndFeesExpenses 25,534,000
14 remainder_Expenses 14,278,000
15 InvestmentIncome 3,332,000
16 LoansIncome 0
17 RevenueFromContractWithCustomer 0
18 remainder_Revenues 11,105,000
19 remainder_NetIncome -5,222,000
20 remainder_ComprehensiveNetIncome 0
  yvar yval
0 Liabilities 8,019,276,000
1 Assets 8,442,592,000
2 Expenses 64,798,000
3 Revenues 14,437,000
4 StockholdersEquity 423,316,000
5 NetIncome -55,583,000
6 ComprehensiveNetIncome -55,583,000
7 BaseVar 8,343,684,095
8 EconomicCapitalRatio 0.0658

Edgar->Model Mapping

Feature Distribution