QA: B G Foods Inc in us_food/2016

Table of Contents

See also this year's filing and all EDGAR filings for this company.

PDF Report 0001278027_2017_B_G_Foods_Inc.pdf


error No matching role found input.sec.calculation_linkbase.expand_agg {'statement': 'balance', 'all_roles': ['40301 - Disclosure - Acquisitions (Details)', '40901 - Disclosure - Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss (Details)', '40202 - Disclosure - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Intangible Assets, Financing Costs, Debt (Details)', '41701 - Disclosure - Guarantor and Non-Guarantor Financial Information (Details)', '41201 - Disclosure - Pension Benefits (Details)', '40701 - Disclosure - Long-Term Debt (Details)', '41202 - Disclosure - Pension Benefits - Net Periodic Pension Cost, AOCI (Details)', '41301 - Disclosure - Commitments and Contingencies (Details)', '41002 - Disclosure - Income Taxes - Deferred Taxes (Details)', '00500 - Statement - Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows', '00300 - Statement - Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income', '40601 - Disclosure - Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets (Details)', '41401 - Disclosure - Incentive Plans (Details)', '41703 - Disclosure - Guarantor and Non-Guarantor Financial Information - Cash Flows (Details)', '41001 - Disclosure - Income Taxes (Details)', '41702 - Disclosure - Guarantor and Non-Guarantor Financial Information - Operating Income and Expense (Details)', '40401 - Disclosure - Inventories (Details)', '40501 - Disclosure - Property, Plant and Equipment, net (Details)']}
warning No LiabilitiesAndStockholdersEquity node found input.sec.calculation_linkbase.edgar_model_mapping {'lase_node': None, 'equity_node': None, 'partners_cap_node': None, 'nodes': 'NodeView(())'}
warning Ignoring company because Assets is zero pre-agg {'balance_sheet': {'company_id': '0001278027', 'EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding': 66499044, 'Assets': 0, 'AssetsCurrent': 0, 'Expenses': 1428654000, 'GeneralAndAdministrativeExpense': 0, 'IntangibleAssets': 0, 'Liabilities': 0, 'LiabilitiesCurrent': 0, 'LiabilitiesLongTerm': 0, 'NetIncome': 148062000, 'PropertyPlantAndEquipment': 0, 'Revenues': 1668056000, 'SellingAndMarketingExpense': 0, 'remainder_Assets': 0, 'remainder_ComprehensiveNetIncome': 68009000, 'remainder_Expenses': 1428654000, 'remainder_Liabilities': 0, 'remainder_NetIncome': -91340000, 'remainder_Revenues': 1668056000, 'obs_EconomicCapitalRatio': nan}}
info No NetIncome node found, but calc base is tiny anyway. Ignoring company. input.sec.calculation_linkbase.edgar_model_mapping {}
info Failed to set obs_EconomicCapitalRatio industry.us_generic {'reason': "KeyError('0001278027')"}
info Added remainder_ComprehensiveNetIncome directly from 10K industry.us_generic {}

Edgar->Model Mapping