QA: us_state_banks 2018-2022

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Ranks across the years

name name_short 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018-val 2019-val 2020-val 2021-val 2022-val 2018->2019 2019->2020 2020->2021 2021->2022
0001725872 BM Technologies Inc. BM Tech NaN NaN 1 1 1 NaN NaN 22.95160 62.73510 50.743500 NaN NaN 0 0
0001068851 PROSPERITY BANCSHARES INC PROSPER 2 6 3 4 2 11.36420 11.36380 11.59710 10.78540 11.266500 4 -3 1 -2
0001766526 Tectonic Financial Inc. Tectoni NaN 19 19 3 3 NaN 9.82271 8.46997 10.87900 11.206900 NaN 0 -16 0
0000906465 QCR HOLDINGS INC QCR HOL 7 3 2 2 4 10.11930 12.85990 12.01460 12.35600 10.092200 -4 -1 0 2
0001539638 Triumph Financial Inc. Triumph 29 91 56 6 5 8.30540 7.54327 7.41270 9.23602 10.076000 62 -35 -50 -1
0001315399 PARKE BANCORP INC. PARKE B 68 89 89 27 6 7.32563 7.55739 6.58219 7.75752 9.399490 21 0 -62 -21
0000776901 INDEPENDENT BANK CORP INDEPEN 41 18 28 13 7 7.94065 9.85276 8.05504 8.41540 8.637680 -23 10 -15 -6
0001423869 PCB BANCORP PCB BAN 45 61 50 15 8 7.89281 8.29831 7.53378 8.29139 8.584900 16 -11 -35 -7
0000351569 Ameris Bancorp Ameris 44 NaN NaN 17 9 7.89566 NaN NaN 8.23337 8.028890 NaN NaN NaN -8
0000729986 UNITED BANKSHARES INC WV UNITED NaN 14 9 8 10 NaN 10.13590 8.99431 9.07996 8.017090 NaN -5 -1 2
0001629019 Merchants Bancorp Merchan 61 129 97 32 11 7.47048 6.69904 6.33934 7.50384 7.913300 68 -32 -65 -21
0001331520 HOME BANCSHARES INC HOME BA 3 8 7 5 12 10.37650 11.00280 9.89114 9.65547 7.910930 5 -1 -2 7
0001499422 RBB Bancorp RBB Ban 40 27 33 44 13 7.98511 9.46462 7.91057 7.19582 7.794860 -13 6 11 -31
0000921557 REPUBLIC BANCORP INC KY REPUBLI 25 35 35 24 14 8.60814 9.12367 7.88291 7.89475 7.779270 10 0 -11 -10
0000712771 ConnectOne Bancorp Inc. Connect 79 86 51 7 15 7.04540 7.68937 7.51639 9.09507 7.549240 7 -35 -44 8
0001747068 MetroCity Bankshares Inc. MetroCi NaN 17 20 71 16 NaN 10.05470 8.40238 6.42734 7.495810 NaN 3 51 -55
0000859070 FIRST COMMUNITY BANKSHARES INC VA FIRST C 11 21 31 23 17 9.72978 9.79457 7.93864 7.90811 7.286710 10 10 -8 -6
0000861842 CATHAY GENERAL BANCORP CATHAY 27 52 27 29 18 8.43558 8.53593 8.07971 7.69470 7.124120 25 -25 2 -11
0001730984 BayCom Corp BayCom 28 78 81 61 19 8.31291 7.80808 6.71313 6.71627 7.027070 50 3 -20 -42
0001564618 Independent Bank Group Inc. Indepen 6 16 10 11 20 10.21240 10.08270 8.94724 8.49550 6.862680 10 -6 1 9
0000719220 S&T BANCORP INC S&T BAN 42 67 71 38 21 7.91476 8.20608 6.93975 7.33377 6.741540 25 4 -33 -17
0001028918 PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC PACIFIC 4 9 37 12 22 10.36230 10.95150 7.86899 8.42263 6.712780 5 28 -25 10
0001051343 COMMUNITY WEST BANCSHARES COMMUNI 144 170 127 99 23 5.40713 5.61531 5.67834 5.77075 6.656930 26 -43 -28 -76
0001025835 ENTERPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES CORP ENTERPR 72 72 73 51 24 7.23253 8.01952 6.87404 6.88393 6.630300 0 1 -22 -27
0000036270 M&T BANK CORP M&T BAN 66 87 115 78 25 7.36993 7.62180 5.98564 6.24523 6.616790 21 28 -37 -53
0000879635 MID PENN BANCORP INC MID PEN 125 150 152 98 26 5.97152 6.21526 4.85137 5.79729 6.527550 25 2 -54 -72
0000715072 RENASANT CORP RENASAN 9 15 18 22 27 9.74985 10.12420 8.47075 7.92918 6.504220 6 3 4 5
0000920427 UNITY BANCORP INC NJ UNITY B 121 145 120 45 28 6.01591 6.36637 5.83648 7.07479 6.491040 24 -25 -75 -17
0001501570 Veritex Holdings Inc. Veritex NaN 26 16 10 29 NaN 9.62191 8.67160 8.84609 6.454610 NaN -10 -6 19
0000730708 SEACOAST BANKING CORP OF FLORIDA SEACOAS 49 32 17 14 30 7.76577 9.20665 8.47182 8.33594 6.430640 -17 -15 -3 16
0001693577 MainStreet Bancshares Inc. MainStr NaN 114 95 36 31 NaN 6.88734 6.41964 7.45553 6.409250 NaN -19 -59 -5
0001030469 OFG BANCORP OFG BAN 15 130 79 43 32 9.47387 6.68422 6.77952 7.20618 6.333620 115 -51 -36 -11
0001828588 Hanover Bancorp Inc. NY Hanover NaN NaN NaN 133 33 NaN NaN NaN 5.07353 6.213600 NaN NaN NaN -100
0001746129 Bank7 Corp. Bank7 C 13 105 49 60 34 9.53258 7.14026 7.57267 6.76126 6.100120 92 -56 11 -26
0001430723 ServisFirst Bancshares Inc. ServisF 103 121 123 132 35 6.40539 6.81507 5.75603 5.08346 6.052590 18 2 9 -97
0000732417 HILLS BANCORPORATION HILLS B 69 75 64 54 36 7.32284 7.89172 7.24886 6.83405 5.878920 6 -11 -10 -18
0000857855 UNITED COMMUNITY BANKS INC UNITED 63 45 66 65 37 7.41734 8.70834 7.13000 6.63824 5.846790 -18 21 -1 -28
0000739421 CITIZENS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC CITIZEN 102 112 77 64 38 6.43955 6.97483 6.83023 6.64325 5.782130 10 -35 -13 -26
0000846901 LAKELAND BANCORP INC LAKELAN 87 111 107 70 39 6.76755 6.98405 6.15949 6.42831 5.705410 24 -4 -37 -31
0001676479 CapStar Financial Holdings Inc. CapStar 70 54 75 26 40 7.29057 8.44483 6.85922 7.80585 5.691210 -16 21 -49 14
0001069157 EAST WEST BANCORP INC EAST WE 60 83 88 73 41 7.47174 7.73044 6.59322 6.31018 5.636700 23 5 -15 -32
0000767405 SB FINANCIAL GROUP INC. SB FINA 30 63 55 42 42 8.29466 8.24498 7.41387 7.21092 5.620020 33 -8 -13 0
0001077428 TEXAS CAPITAL BANCSHARES INC TX TEXAS C 133 171 169 114 43 5.74293 5.61297 4.15736 5.41933 5.537720 38 -2 -55 -71
0001521951 FIRST BUSINESS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. FIRST B 135 155 151 97 44 5.66213 6.03780 4.88787 5.97005 5.527370 20 -4 -54 -53
0001118004 BANCPLUS CORP BANCPLU NaN NaN 155 142 45 NaN NaN 4.78257 4.89402 5.486040 NaN NaN -13 -97
0001752036 California BanCorp Califor NaN NaN 173 156 46 NaN NaN 3.96381 4.54708 5.410950 NaN NaN -17 -110
0001050441 EAGLE BANCORP INC EAGLE B 20 41 62 37 47 8.98853 8.88221 7.28949 7.36074 5.408010 21 21 -25 10
0001341317 Bridgewater Bancshares Inc Bridgew 73 95 122 40 48 7.22252 7.46084 5.78612 7.23079 5.386740 22 27 -82 8
0001689731 Southern States Bancshares Inc. Souther NaN NaN NaN 77 49 NaN NaN NaN 6.26242 5.360850 NaN NaN NaN -28
0000350852 COMMUNITY TRUST BANCORP INC KY COMMUNI 24 28 24 16 50 8.61558 9.43307 8.23515 8.25826 5.359610 4 -4 -8 34
0001413837 First Foundation Inc. First F 130 153 83 67 51 5.87122 6.13570 6.68808 6.51607 5.330470 23 -70 -16 -16
0000354647 CVB FINANCIAL CORP CVB FIN 12 5 13 21 52 9.69653 11.59520 8.76210 7.97310 5.318480 -7 8 8 31
0000736772 CNB FINANCIAL CORP PA CNB FIN 147 168 132 129 53 5.22574 5.63526 5.50605 5.16225 5.306210 21 -36 -3 -76
0000836147 MIDDLEFIELD BANC CORP MIDDLEF 105 92 117 55 54 6.35717 7.50677 5.94808 6.83397 5.293280 -13 25 -62 -1
0001505732 Bankwell Financial Group Inc. Bankwel 132 157 172 104 55 5.78993 6.00148 3.97821 5.71457 5.267290 25 15 -68 -49
0001722010 OP Bancorp OP Banc 37 74 86 63 56 8.06179 7.91367 6.59865 6.65503 5.240280 37 12 -23 -7
0001466026 Midland States Bancorp Inc. Midland 104 115 NaN 102 57 6.37149 6.88473 NaN 5.72340 5.206890 11 NaN NaN -45
0001702750 BYLINE BANCORP INC. BYLINE 54 55 43 28 58 7.69796 8.38944 7.66453 7.71947 5.180690 1 -12 -15 30
0001462120 Live Oak Bancshares Inc. Live Oa NaN 137 NaN 69 59 NaN 6.54303 NaN 6.42836 5.158320 NaN NaN NaN -10
0001327607 First Western Financial Inc First W 114 151 136 118 60 6.21194 6.16277 5.42455 5.36291 5.111940 37 -15 -18 -58
0001275168 FIVE STAR BANCORP FIVE ST NaN NaN NaN 68 61 NaN NaN NaN 6.47961 5.106040 NaN NaN NaN -7
0000883948 Atlantic Union Bankshares Corp Atlanti 36 48 26 NaN 62 8.06979 8.65312 8.12914 NaN 5.104900 12 -22 NaN NaN
0001475348 Luther Burbank Corp Luther 151 177 139 94 63 5.05285 5.37467 5.33470 6.07227 5.072670 26 -38 -45 -31
0000764038 SouthState Corp SouthSt 19 47 102 74 64 9.07899 8.66427 6.22130 6.29712 5.070280 28 55 -28 -10
0001476034 Metropolitan Bank Holding Corp. Metropo 55 167 147 144 65 7.68370 5.65173 5.03856 4.83444 5.056410 112 -20 -3 -79
0001390777 Bank of New York Mellon Corp Bank of 74 109 116 101 66 7.20946 7.02382 5.97573 5.73079 4.994060 35 7 -15 -35
0000034782 1ST SOURCE CORP 1ST SOU 52 51 52 53 67 7.73997 8.58481 7.50815 6.86506 4.966760 -1 1 1 14
0000868671 GLACIER BANCORP INC. GLACIER 32 22 12 41 68 8.20913 9.76542 8.77651 7.21850 4.873150 -10 -10 29 27
0000743367 BAR HARBOR BANKSHARES BAR HAR 115 122 69 46 69 6.19183 6.81480 6.98901 7.06103 4.838010 7 -53 -23 23
0000356171 TRICO BANCSHARES TRICO B NaN 31 47 35 70 NaN 9.27258 7.59196 7.47345 4.823040 NaN 16 -12 35
0000711772 CAMBRIDGE BANCORP CAMBRID 167 181 135 140 71 3.89262 5.21504 5.44457 4.93845 4.800750 14 -46 5 -69
0000923139 FLUSHING FINANCIAL CORP FLUSHIN NaN 185 165 109 72 NaN 4.96526 4.40483 5.59543 4.771180 NaN -20 -56 -37
0000854560 GREAT SOUTHERN BANCORP INC. GREAT S NaN 2 48 47 73 NaN 14.17650 7.58102 7.05254 4.735320 NaN 46 -1 26
0001212545 WESTERN ALLIANCE BANCORPORATION WESTERN 46 69 156 88 74 7.85794 8.16232 4.77107 6.17536 4.701490 23 87 -68 -14
0000946647 PREMIER FINANCIAL CORP PREMIER 59 62 21 9 75 7.49363 8.26794 8.40140 8.88662 4.693460 3 -41 -12 66
0000759944 Citizens Financial Group INC RI Citizen 43 43 57 31 76 7.89657 8.77662 7.40905 7.59710 4.664290 0 14 -26 45
0000832090 PARTNERS BANCORP PARTNER NaN 154 140 143 77 NaN 6.13204 5.22705 4.83467 4.643580 NaN -14 3 -66
0001053584 MACATAWA BANK CORP MACATAW 101 99 112 115 78 6.44106 7.37413 6.05671 5.40753 4.561720 -2 13 3 -37
0001458412 CROSSFIRST BANKSHARES INC. CROSSFI NaN 90 98 34 79 NaN 7.54847 6.33887 7.47561 4.444370 NaN 8 -64 45
0001042729 MERCANTILE BANK CORP MERCANT 77 76 111 122 80 7.12375 7.87443 6.07497 5.27872 4.428000 -1 35 11 -42
0000717806 FIRST US BANCSHARES INC. FIRST U 143 148 141 123 81 5.41058 6.29291 5.21405 5.27412 4.339090 5 -7 -18 -42
0001562463 First Internet Bancorp First I 163 187 171 107 82 4.58621 4.53423 4.06001 5.65583 4.310450 24 -16 -64 -25
0000716605 PENNS WOODS BANCORP INC PENNS W 153 160 133 131 83 5.04402 5.84571 5.48326 5.13153 4.282150 7 -27 -2 -48
0000887343 COLUMBIA BANKING SYSTEM INC. COLUMBI 10 10 8 52 84 9.74034 10.38580 9.53785 6.87070 4.233450 0 -2 44 32
0000706129 HORIZON BANCORP INC IN HORIZON 65 59 36 92 85 7.38087 8.31756 7.86980 6.10538 4.228290 -6 -23 56 -7
0001163668 SOUTH PLAINS FINANCIAL INC. SOUTH P NaN 156 60 50 86 NaN 6.01516 7.34470 6.88699 4.194250 NaN -96 -10 36
0001586454 Prime Meridian Holding Co Prime M 50 120 124 141 87 7.75781 6.81543 5.70697 4.91247 4.153230 70 4 17 -54
0000944745 CIVISTA BANCSHARES INC. CIVISTA 31 24 23 33 88 8.22255 9.66508 8.30766 7.49205 4.153190 -7 -1 10 55
0001290476 Village Bank & Trust Financial Corp. Village 164 182 143 96 89 4.29307 5.17003 5.12174 5.99686 4.146510 18 -39 -47 -7
0000860413 FIRST INTERSTATE BANCSYSTEM INC FIRST I 82 64 92 NaN 90 6.85966 8.21317 6.55176 NaN 4.139720 -18 28 NaN NaN
0000913341 C & F FINANCIAL CORP C & F F 109 134 114 85 91 6.31050 6.59906 6.01518 6.20873 4.135910 25 -20 -29 6
0001649749 FB Financial Corp FB Fina 124 152 170 105 92 5.98486 6.15527 4.14979 5.71349 4.119230 28 18 -65 -13
0000880417 CSB Bancorp Inc. CSB Ban 110 135 130 145 93 6.28895 6.57315 5.57036 4.77696 4.101070 25 -5 15 -52
0000835324 Stock Yards Bancorp Inc. Stock Y 56 77 93 119 94 7.56685 7.81115 6.54661 5.32152 4.013730 21 16 26 -25
0000842517 ISABELLA BANK Corp ISABELL 118 93 78 86 95 6.12082 7.47589 6.81279 6.18613 3.938240 -25 -15 8 9
0000705432 SOUTHSIDE BANCSHARES INC SOUTHSI 64 57 11 18 96 7.39605 8.37151 8.89793 8.23268 3.908600 -7 -46 7 78
0000719739 SVB FINANCIAL GROUP SVB FIN 95 124 138 150 97 6.54494 6.77451 5.35804 4.67851 3.887880 29 14 12 -53
0001516912 Origin Bancorp Inc. Origin NaN NaN 153 106 98 NaN NaN 4.83941 5.67735 3.870820 NaN NaN -47 -8
0001488813 Customers Bancorp Inc. Custome NaN 165 175 127 99 NaN 5.74935 3.86969 5.18410 3.799550 NaN 10 -48 -28
0000036377 FIRST HAWAIIAN INC. FIRST H 48 38 45 93 100 7.77569 9.04655 7.61437 6.08898 3.765030 -10 7 48 7
0000700565 FIRST MID BANCSHARES INC. FIRST M 58 36 46 87 101 7.50633 9.11827 7.61146 6.18225 3.716040 -22 10 41 14
0000946673 BANNER CORP BANNER 57 65 72 91 102 7.53148 8.21077 6.93646 6.12371 3.711570 8 7 19 11
0000810958 CITIZENS & NORTHERN CORP CITIZEN 8 23 39 39 103 9.92368 9.76494 7.81702 7.26116 3.702260 15 16 0 64
0000073124 NORTHERN TRUST CORP NORTHER 172 173 159 167 104 2.39744 5.55800 4.67602 3.98586 3.635810 1 -14 8 -63
0000714562 FIRST FINANCIAL CORP IN FIRST F 17 33 15 56 105 9.38339 9.17703 8.67811 6.79971 3.603130 16 -18 41 49
0001412665 MidWestOne Financial Group Inc. MidWest 94 110 137 125 106 6.61375 7.00496 5.36831 5.20302 3.586040 16 27 -12 -19
0000750577 HANCOCK WHITNEY CORP HANCOCK 83 131 154 116 107 6.81070 6.67141 4.82964 5.40462 3.579240 48 23 -38 -9
0000775215 HBT Financial Inc. HBT Fin NaN NaN NaN 117 108 NaN NaN NaN 5.38741 3.499730 NaN NaN NaN -9
0001071236 RED RIVER BANCSHARES INC RED RIV NaN 53 67 110 109 NaN 8.49793 7.11346 5.57065 3.471390 NaN 14 43 -1
0001901637 USCB FINANCIAL HOLDINGS INC. USCB FI NaN NaN NaN 66 110 NaN NaN NaN 6.60554 3.465320 NaN NaN NaN 44
0000811589 FIRST BANCORP NC FIRST B NaN 29 38 58 111 NaN 9.36312 7.85345 6.78833 3.419930 NaN 9 20 53
0000818677 SECURITY FEDERAL CORP SECURIT 154 146 96 134 112 5.03182 6.34098 6.40613 5.05120 3.408220 -8 -50 38 -22
0001594555 HV Bancorp Inc. HV Banc 138 176 178 151 113 5.53981 5.47102 3.02650 4.63692 3.389630 38 2 -27 -38
0001602658 Investar Holding Corp Investa 119 108 108 126 114 6.08917 7.04137 6.15788 5.18880 3.338130 -11 0 18 -12
0000826154 ORRSTOWN FINANCIAL SERVICES INC ORRSTOW 150 164 119 75 115 5.07149 5.76852 5.83888 6.29228 3.280780 14 -45 -44 40
0000855874 COMMUNITY FINANCIAL CORP MD COMMUNI 140 143 121 124 116 5.44868 6.40794 5.81595 5.25564 3.259490 3 -22 3 -8
0001163389 NEW PEOPLES BANKSHARES INC NEW PEO 166 188 163 161 117 3.94537 4.51395 4.49160 4.37823 3.155610 22 -25 -2 -44
0000726601 CAPITAL CITY BANK GROUP INC CAPITAL 162 183 180 169 118 4.83742 5.04819 2.25581 3.89810 3.105820 21 -3 -11 -51
0000357173 OLD SECOND BANCORP INC OLD SEC 160 123 109 163 119 4.93060 6.80943 6.09718 4.14511 3.078480 -37 -14 54 -44
0000731653 UNITED BANCORP INC OH UNITED 145 141 NaN 80 120 5.28508 6.45327 NaN 6.24196 3.054920 -4 NaN NaN 40
0000039311 INDEPENDENT BANK CORP MI INDEPEN 100 126 85 108 121 6.44601 6.72176 6.60280 5.60679 2.981460 26 -41 23 13
0000721994 LAKELAND FINANCIAL CORP LAKELAN 71 46 40 48 122 7.28118 8.69995 7.79037 7.03536 2.980590 -25 -6 8 74
0001823608 Amalgamated Financial Corp. Amalgam NaN NaN NaN 146 123 NaN NaN NaN 4.75442 2.923290 NaN NaN NaN -23
0000737875 FIRST KEYSTONE CORP FIRST K 91 49 22 62 124 6.65421 8.63393 8.36614 6.71578 2.921270 -42 -27 40 62
0000314489 FIRST BUSEY CORP NV FIRST B 75 107 90 138 125 7.20089 7.09543 6.56737 5.01357 2.917650 32 -17 48 -13
0001013272 NORWOOD FINANCIAL CORP NORWOOD 97 84 84 79 126 6.51757 7.70499 6.65822 6.24226 2.906990 -13 0 -5 47
0000880641 EAGLE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC EAGLE F 89 142 110 137 127 6.73939 6.45197 6.07879 5.02661 2.879870 53 -32 27 -10
0001130144 SIERRA BANCORP SIERRA 85 58 87 89 128 6.78347 8.33074 6.59530 6.16628 2.795620 -27 29 2 39
0001227500 EQUITY BANCSHARES INC EQUITY 99 125 177 112 129 6.45018 6.74033 3.39920 5.54768 2.610740 26 52 -65 17
0001518715 HomeStreet Inc. HomeStr 120 NaN NaN NaN 130 6.01682 NaN NaN NaN 2.498360 NaN NaN NaN NaN
0000737468 WASHINGTON TRUST BANCORP INC WASHING 122 128 101 83 131 6.01096 6.70386 6.25722 6.22556 2.497920 6 -27 -18 48
0001767837 Richmond Mutual Bancorporation Inc. Richmon NaN 1 5 19 132 NaN 23.22330 11.21070 8.19305 2.449460 NaN 4 14 113
0000035527 FIFTH THIRD BANCORP FIFTH T 67 37 53 81 133 7.34718 9.08089 7.45193 6.24016 2.410850 -30 16 28 52
0001431567 Oak Valley Bancorp Oak Val 134 136 128 160 134 5.68881 6.56033 5.60433 4.38444 2.409250 2 -8 32 -26
0000920112 HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC HEARTLA 76 79 54 59 135 7.19088 7.80096 7.41727 6.77836 2.402130 3 -25 5 76
0000932781 FIRST COMMUNITY CORP SC FIRST C 106 119 91 130 136 6.33484 6.83600 6.55995 5.14898 2.362700 13 -28 39 6
0000040729 Ally Financial Inc. Ally Fi NaN NaN NaN 84 137 NaN NaN NaN 6.21929 2.288340 NaN NaN NaN 53
0000701347 CENTRAL PACIFIC FINANCIAL CORP CENTRAL 146 140 144 153 138 5.25555 6.46584 5.09963 4.63504 2.280490 -6 4 9 -15
0001657642 Skyline Bankshares Inc. Skyline 128 100 NaN 147 139 5.93114 7.34882 NaN 4.74723 2.133230 -28 NaN NaN -8
0001478454 Eagle Bancorp Montana Inc. Eagle B 108 94 30 172 140 6.31878 7.46318 7.95003 3.40283 1.954180 -14 -64 142 -32
0001018399 ENTERPRISE BANCORP INC MA ENTERPR 139 147 134 154 141 5.45807 6.29516 5.46779 4.63431 1.931040 8 -13 20 -13
0000036029 FIRST FINANCIAL BANKSHARES INC FIRST F 35 7 4 20 142 8.08588 11.02250 11.36580 8.16675 1.886870 -28 -3 16 122
0000022356 COMMERCE BANCSHARES INC MO COMMERC 53 42 63 103 143 7.72539 8.84035 7.28622 5.72182 1.845080 -11 21 40 40
0001166928 WEST BANCORPORATION INC WEST BA 142 161 167 128 144 5.42773 5.83470 4.22605 5.16342 1.831680 19 6 -39 16
0000711669 COLONY BANKCORP INC COLONY NaN 163 168 171 145 NaN 5.79397 4.19972 3.41480 1.758220 NaN 5 3 -26
0000803164 CHOICEONE FINANCIAL SERVICES INC CHOICEO 62 68 42 120 146 7.43235 8.17409 7.68657 5.28721 1.688310 6 -26 78 26
0001057706 FIRST BANCORP PR FIRST B NaN NaN NaN 95 147 NaN NaN NaN 6.04252 1.374730 NaN NaN NaN 52
0001093672 PEOPLES BANCORP OF NORTH CAROLINA INC PEOPLES 80 85 105 NaN 148 7.03709 7.70209 6.17608 NaN 1.340760 5 20 NaN NaN
0000723646 FRANKLIN FINANCIAL SERVICES CORP PA FRANKLI NaN 132 94 111 149 NaN 6.65949 6.46614 5.56910 1.296610 NaN -38 17 38
0001007273 BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA CORP BANK OF 78 56 70 155 150 7.12313 8.38342 6.95793 4.58418 1.229030 -22 14 85 -5
0001127371 CENTRAL VALLEY COMMUNITY BANCORP CENTRAL 23 25 25 82 151 8.66834 9.62648 8.23223 6.23758 1.075540 2 0 57 69
0001641601 River Financial Corp River F 113 113 113 152 152 6.22759 6.94397 6.04748 4.63660 0.965167 0 0 39 0
0001275101 BANK OF THE JAMES FINANCIAL GROUP INC BANK OF 159 174 150 164 153 4.95879 5.55162 4.90734 4.10586 0.960421 15 -24 14 -11
0000763563 CHEMUNG FINANCIAL CORP CHEMUNG 157 172 146 157 154 4.97286 5.56833 5.07512 4.50077 0.959233 15 -26 11 -3
0001449794 Embassy Bancorp Inc. Embassy 158 169 145 148 155 4.96560 5.61776 5.08636 4.70200 0.747264 11 -24 3 7
0000740806 F&M BANK CORP F&M BAN NaN NaN 104 136 156 NaN NaN 6.19090 5.03723 0.726473 NaN NaN 32 20
0000714395 GERMAN AMERICAN BANCORP INC. GERMAN 96 70 41 57 157 6.54200 8.12377 7.71763 6.78852 0.590909 -26 -29 16 100
0000706863 UNION BANKSHARES INC UNION B 136 162 142 159 158 5.61260 5.80395 5.21199 4.39756 0.332957 26 -20 17 -1
0000750574 AUBURN NATIONAL BANCORPORATION INC AUBURN 98 60 58 135 159 6.48498 8.31203 7.40392 5.05029 0.258166 -38 -2 77 24
0000898171 UWHARRIE CAPITAL CORP UWHARRI 171 189 157 170 160 3.38493 4.02553 4.69328 3.80524 -0.422815 18 -32 13 -10
0000709337 FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP OH FARMERS 107 81 65 72 161 6.33083 7.73843 7.17215 6.39769 -1.046290 -26 -16 7 89
0000750558 QNB CORP QNB COR 141 117 106 149 162 5.43178 6.87790 6.16876 4.69443 -1.591350 -24 -11 43 13
0000714712 JUNIATA VALLEY FINANCIAL CORP JUNIATA NaN 118 125 166 163 NaN 6.85626 5.69227 3.99562 -2.007940 NaN 7 41 -3
0000890066 GLEN BURNIE BANCORP GLEN BU 165 179 148 162 164 4.28955 5.26584 5.01709 4.22340 -2.840320 14 -31 14 2
0001075706 CITIZENS HOLDING CO MS CITIZEN 169 127 160 174 165 3.75434 6.71516 4.64973 2.80741 -3.856410 -42 33 14 -9
0000036506 MACKINAC FINANCIAL CORP MI MACKINA 86 82 74 NaN NaN 6.78181 7.73842 6.87016 NaN NaN -4 -8 NaN NaN
0000315849 SOUTHWEST GEORGIA FINANCIAL CORP SOUTHWE 152 149 NaN NaN NaN 5.04827 6.27990 NaN NaN NaN -3 NaN NaN NaN
0000702513 Bank of Commerce Holdings Bank of 92 80 99 NaN NaN 6.64008 7.74280 6.33585 NaN NaN -12 19 NaN NaN
0000719402 FIRST NATIONAL CORP VA FIRST N 129 133 118 139 NaN 5.92275 6.65812 5.94293 4.94159 NaN 4 -15 21 NaN
0000798941 FIRST CITIZENS BANCSHARES INC DE FIRST C 148 180 149 158 NaN 5.14302 5.23051 4.99510 4.49189 NaN 32 -31 9 NaN
0000802681 BRYN MAWR BANK CORP BRYN MA 47 88 76 NaN NaN 7.84976 7.56523 6.84445 NaN NaN 41 -12 NaN NaN
0000811808 SUMMIT FINANCIAL GROUP INC. SUMMIT 126 139 131 100 NaN 5.96952 6.49694 5.51151 5.73391 NaN 13 -8 -31 NaN
0000812348 CENTURY BANCORP INC CENTURY 168 190 176 NaN NaN 3.84075 3.76708 3.65300 NaN NaN 22 -14 NaN NaN
0000821127 BOSTON PRIVATE FINANCIAL HOLDINGS INC BOSTON 170 186 166 NaN NaN 3.69499 4.91640 4.28073 NaN NaN 16 -20 NaN NaN
0000834285 REPUBLIC FIRST BANCORP INC REPUBLI 161 NaN 179 173 NaN 4.88248 NaN 2.91718 3.02097 NaN NaN NaN -6 NaN
0000870385 CAROLINA FINANCIAL CORP CAROLIN 14 13 NaN NaN NaN 9.51668 10.20520 NaN NaN NaN -1 NaN NaN NaN
0000887919 PREMIER FINANCIAL BANCORP INC PREMIER 39 34 14 NaN NaN 8.01350 9.14399 8.70699 NaN NaN -5 -20 NaN NaN
0000933141 IBERIABANK CORP IBERIAB 51 66 NaN NaN NaN 7.74223 8.20657 NaN NaN NaN 15 NaN NaN NaN
0001000232 KENTUCKY BANCSHARES INC KY KENTUCK 116 102 NaN NaN NaN 6.13447 7.34195 NaN NaN NaN -14 NaN NaN NaN
0001028954 SB ONE BANCORP SB ONE 127 166 NaN NaN NaN 5.93612 5.74411 NaN NaN NaN 39 NaN NaN NaN
0001034594 BAY BANKS OF VIRGINIA INC BAY BAN 131 144 NaN NaN NaN 5.83924 6.38946 NaN NaN NaN 13 NaN NaN NaN
0001046203 GUARANTY FEDERAL BANCSHARES INC GUARANT 149 178 158 121 NaN 5.11674 5.33694 4.69192 5.28147 NaN 29 -20 -37 NaN
0001094810 MUTUALFIRST FINANCIAL INC MUTUALF 123 116 NaN NaN NaN 6.00783 6.88049 NaN NaN NaN -7 NaN NaN NaN
0001108236 AMERICAN RIVER BANKSHARES AMERICA 112 96 68 NaN NaN 6.25534 7.45656 7.04808 NaN NaN -16 -28 NaN NaN
0001260968 MARLIN BUSINESS SERVICES CORP MARLIN 1 4 NaN NaN NaN 11.63970 12.24550 NaN NaN NaN 3 NaN NaN NaN
0001263762 SELECT BANCORP INC. SELECT 5 11 59 NaN NaN 10.23910 10.30060 7.35293 NaN NaN 6 48 NaN NaN
0001265131 Hilltop Holdings Inc. Hilltop 22 30 NaN NaN NaN 8.68542 9.28360 NaN NaN NaN 8 NaN NaN NaN
0001323648 Community Bankers Trust Corp Communi 117 104 82 NaN NaN 6.12317 7.14570 6.70527 NaN NaN -13 -22 NaN NaN
0001325670 Primis Financial Corp. Primis 33 40 44 NaN NaN 8.17633 8.88712 7.64728 NaN NaN 7 4 NaN NaN
0001380846 TriState Capital Holdings Inc. TriStat 156 184 164 168 NaN 5.02010 5.00722 4.41234 3.93830 NaN 28 -20 4 NaN
0001390162 Howard Bancorp Inc Howard 84 73 129 NaN NaN 6.80565 7.94685 5.57872 NaN NaN -11 56 NaN NaN
0001407067 Franklin Financial Network Inc. Frankli 155 158 NaN NaN NaN 5.02797 5.94590 NaN NaN NaN 3 NaN NaN NaN
0001412707 Level One Bancorp Inc Level O 90 106 126 90 NaN 6.67482 7.12258 5.68087 6.14764 NaN 16 20 -36 NaN
0001437958 COASTAL FINANCIAL CORP COASTAL 93 138 162 165 NaN 6.63040 6.51697 4.56857 4.08437 NaN 45 24 3 NaN
0001470205 County Bancorp Inc. County 137 101 103 NaN NaN 5.60674 7.34554 6.21290 NaN NaN -36 2 NaN NaN
0001483195 Oritani Financial Corp Oritani 26 71 NaN NaN NaN 8.46769 8.02749 NaN NaN NaN 45 NaN NaN NaN
0001492915 Standard AVB Financial Corp. Standar 38 50 34 NaN NaN 8.04961 8.59093 7.90369 NaN NaN 12 -16 NaN NaN
0001499453 Spirit of Texas Bancshares Inc. Spirit 34 44 61 30 NaN 8.17132 8.71707 7.30067 7.62021 NaN 10 17 -31 NaN
0001594012 Investors Bancorp Inc. Investo 81 159 100 49 NaN 6.89645 5.93379 6.30443 6.89616 NaN 78 -59 -51 NaN
0001606440 Reliant Bancorp Inc. Reliant 88 103 80 NaN NaN 6.76198 7.34172 6.75475 NaN NaN 15 -23 NaN NaN
0001613665 Great Western Bancorp Inc. Great W 16 20 NaN 76 NaN 9.41729 9.81989 NaN 6.28004 NaN 4 NaN NaN NaN
0001642081 Allegiance Bancshares Inc. Allegia 21 39 29 NaN NaN 8.92134 8.91708 7.97887 NaN NaN 18 -10 NaN NaN
0001667161 Randolph Bancorp Inc. Randolp 111 97 6 25 NaN 6.28433 7.44018 10.61900 7.83401 NaN -14 -91 19 NaN
0001716697 First Choice Bancorp First C 18 12 32 NaN NaN 9.28266 10.23610 7.93494 NaN NaN -6 20 NaN NaN
0001083643 FAUQUIER BANKSHARES INC. FAUQUIE NaN 175 161 NaN NaN NaN 5.47770 4.63083 NaN NaN NaN -14 NaN NaN
0001312109 Silvergate Capital Corp Silverg NaN 98 174 113 NaN NaN 7.39468 3.91284 5.46006 NaN NaN 76 -61 NaN

PDF reports

All reports for 2022 are collected in a single PDF for easier review.



error 188 × Aggregate label 'OtherNoninterestExpense' starts with 'Other' input.sec.calculation_linkbase.edgar_model_mapping
0000022356 0000034782 0000035527 0000036029 0000036270 0000036377 0000036506 0000039311 0000046195 0000073124 0000314489 0000315849 0000350852 0000351569 0000356171 0000357173 0000357301 0000700565 0000701347 0000702513 0000705432 0000706129 0000706863 0000709337 0000711669 0000711772 0000712771 0000714395 0000715072 0000715579 0000716605 0000717806 0000719220 0000719402 0000719739 0000721994 0000723646 0000726601 0000730708 0000731653 0000732417 0000736772 0000737468 0000737875 0000739421 0000743367 0000750558 0000750574 0000750577 0000759944 0000763563 0000763901 0000764038 0000767405 0000770460 0000776901 0000798941 0000802681 0000803164 0000810958 0000811808 0000812348 0000818677 0000821127 0000826154 0000834285 0000835324 0000836147 0000842517 0000846901 0000855874 0000857855 0000859070 0000860413 0000861842 0000868671 0000870385 0000879635 0000880417 0000880641 0000883948 0000887343 0000887919 0000890066 0000894671 0000898171 0000906465 0000913341 0000920112 0000920427 0000921557 0000923139 0000932781 0000933141 0000944745 0000946647 0000946673 0001000232 0001005817 0001007273 0001013272 0001018399 0001025835 0001028918 0001028954 0001030469 0001034594 0001041550 0001042729 0001046203 0001050441 0001051343 0001053584 0001068851 0001069157 0001075706 0001093672 0001094810 0001108236 0001127371 0001130144 0001163389 0001166928 0001212545 0001227500 0001260968 0001263762 0001265131 0001275101 0001290476 0001315399 0001323648 0001325670 0001327607 0001331520 0001341317 0001380846 0001390162 0001390777 0001407067 0001412665 0001412707 0001413837 0001423869 0001430723 0001431567 0001437958 0001449794 0001462120 0001466026 0001470205 0001475348 0001476034 0001478454 0001483195 0001492915 0001499422 0001499453 0001505732 0001518715 0001521951 0001539638 0001562463 0001564618 0001586454 0001594012 0001594555 0001602658 0001606440 0001609065 0001613665 0001629019 0001641601 0001642081 0001649749 0001657642 0001667161 0001676479 0001702750 0001716697 0001722010 0001730984 0001746129 0001403475 0000714712 0000714562 0000354647 0001077428
error 12 × No matching role found input.sec.calculation_linkbase.expand_agg
error 2 × Negative Expenses, ignoring company. pre-agg
warning 62 × Similarly named company. Duplicate? None
warning 11 × No LiabilitiesAndStockholdersEquity node found input.sec.calculation_linkbase.edgar_model_mapping
warning 11 × NetIncome node detected by IncomeLoss name heuristic input.sec.calculation_linkbase.edgar_model_mapping
warning 10 × Ignoring company because Assets is zero pre-agg
warning 7 × Ignoring company because Expenses is zero pre-agg
warning 1 × equityII differs from equityI pre-agg
warning 1 × Large missing amount for aggregate "Liabilities" added to remainder. industry.us_generic
warning 1 × Large missing amount for aggregate "Assets" added to remainder. industry.us_generic
warning 1 × Ignoring company because Liabilities is zero pre-agg


Calculation Linkbase Overview

Edges which exists for less than five companies (and the corresponding nodes) are not included.

Absolute xval/yval quantiles

  xvar min 5% median 95% max min_company median_company max_company
0 Deposits 0 283,280,500 1,999,537,014 21,750,945,400 119,575,000,000 0000716605 0001325670 0000759944
1 LongTermDebt 0 0 0 415,321,350 29,163,000,000 0000022356 0000705432 0001390777
2 LiabilitiesAndBorrowings 0 0 453,160,804 11,984,763,550 93,292,000,000 0000714395 0000846901 0000759944
3 remainder_Liabilities -87,599,000,000 -10,813,490,500 -308,865,599 1,312,465,250 286,728,000,000 0000759944 0000730708 0001390777
4 LoansAndLeasesReceivable 0 0 1,568,177,072 15,601,638,000 87,447,033,000 0000073124 0001505732 0000036270
5 AssetsAndSecurities 0 31,350 235,222,630 5,803,973,950 58,200,300,000 0000836147 0000763563 0000073124
6 CashDepositsAndCashEquivalents 0 15,549,100 94,335,761 903,736,650 38,926,000,000 0000034782 0000714395 0000073124
7 Goodwill 0 0 17,838,453 944,394,000 17,350,000,000 0000034782 0001407067 0001390777
8 PropertyPlantAndEquipment 0 4,466,050 29,364,718 276,603,450 1,861,000,000 0001390777 0000887919 0000035527
9 remainder_Assets -60,295,000 22,640,650 229,823,054 5,442,021,300 324,225,000,000 0001260968 0001053584 0001390777
10 LaborExpense 0 0 0 207,869,450 2,163,600,000 0000022356 0000712771 0000073124
11 OtherNoninterestExpense 0 0 0 32,757,250 990,000,000 0000022356 0000717806 0000035527
12 Occupancy 0 0 0 32,551,600 298,828,000 0000022356 0000731653 0000036270
13 Fees 0 0 0 14,166,100 739,400,000 0000022356 0000712771 0000073124
14 ITAndEquipmentExpense 0 0 0 27,526,350 582,200,000 0000022356 0000706863 0000073124
15 remainder_Expenses 31,000 868,028 9,854,364 140,942,150 1,027,000,000 0001667161 0001130144 0000035527
16 remainder_Revenues 0 0 0 67,314,500 1,436,000,000 0000022356 0000721994 0000035527
17 remainder_NetIncome -2,055,000 5,634,791 51,761,638 852,078,350 5,257,000,000 0001667161 0001042729 0000035527
18 remainder_ComprehensiveNetIncome -276,000,000 -39,363,950 -2,697,726 813,050 6,603,000 0000759944 0000702513 0001483195
  yvar min 5% median 95% max min_company median_company max_company
0 Liabilities 267,041,000 588,744,900 2,478,561,281 26,216,087,250 322,005,000,000 0001594555 0000834285 0001390777
1 Assets 297,762,000 653,336,000 2,728,185,234 29,416,628,600 362,873,000,000 0001594555 0000834285 0001390777
2 Expenses 31,000 1,021,240 22,506,762 422,715,150 4,500,000,000 0001667161 0000034782 0000035527
3 Revenues 0 0 0 67,314,500 1,436,000,000 0000022356 0000721994 0000035527
4 StockholdersEquity 30,721,000 53,391,150 291,810,711 3,742,695,500 40,868,000,000 0001594555 0001390162 0001390777
5 NetIncome -2,196,300,000 -37,064 25,810,999 322,693,100 4,254,000,000 0000073124 0000732417 0001390777
6 ComprehensiveNetIncome -2,210,400,000 -2,342,300 20,076,360 310,462,250 4,254,000,000 0000073124 0001423869 0001390777
7 BaseVar 283,273,500 635,551,375 2,649,886,642 28,328,345,575 345,504,000,000 0001594555 0000357173 0001390777
8 EconomicCapitalRatio 0.0240 0.0445 0.0677 0.0974 0.116 0000073124 0000036506 0001260968

Effect quantiles (final effects with respect to final var and normalized if applicable)

  xvar min 5% median 95% max min_company median_company max_company
0 Deposits -0.0808 -0.0655 -0.0216 0.0561 0.342 0001431567 0001412665 0001260968
1 LongTermDebt -0.0845 -0.0241 0.00467 0.00488 0.00537 0001483195 0001093672 0001260968
2 LiabilitiesAndBorrowings -0.361 -0.266 0.0377 0.156 0.173 0001629019 0001676479 0001260968
3 remainder_Liabilities -1.48 -0.290 -0.0227 0.197 0.252 0001260968 0000719739 0001629019
4 LoansAndLeasesReceivable -0.251 -0.237 0.0382 0.100 0.118 0000073124 0001478454 0001449794
5 AssetsAndSecurities -0.0524 -0.0509 -0.00740 0.105 0.223 0000932781 0000314489 0001075706
6 CashDepositsAndCashEquivalents -0.0209 -0.0170 -0.00631 0.0353 0.146 0001390777 0001380846 0000073124
7 Goodwill -0.00838 -0.00808 -0.00303 0.0197 0.0345 0000898171 0001730984 0001068851
8 PropertyPlantAndEquipment -0.00641 -0.00538 -0.000309 0.00744 0.0119 0001390777 0000750577 0001499453
9 remainder_Assets -0.0984 -0.0698 -0.0506 0.569 0.690 0001260968 0000034782 0001028954
10 LaborExpense -0.0311 -0.0138 0.00612 0.00617 0.00631 0001518715 0000315849 0001390162
11 OtherNoninterestExpense -0.0114 -0.00503 0.00130 0.00132 0.00144 0001163389 0001641601 0001260968
12 Occupancy -0.00682 -0.00304 0.000996 0.00101 0.00110 0001163389 0001108236 0001260968
13 Fees -0.00539 -0.00151 0.000425 0.000436 0.000470 0000073124 0000836147 0001260968
14 ITAndEquipmentExpense -0.00489 -0.00315 0.000797 0.000813 0.000881 0000763563 0000836147 0001260968
15 remainder_Expenses -0.0600 -0.00530 0.00128 0.00379 0.00457 0001260968 0000921557 0001163389
16 remainder_Revenues -0.00212 -0.00209 -0.00206 0.00638 0.0540 0000036029 0001449794 0001327607
17 remainder_NetIncome -0.0258 -0.0149 -0.00333 0.0186 0.0661 0001667161 0000921557 0001260968
18 remainder_ComprehensiveNetIncome -0.00613 -0.00288 0.000240 0.00150 0.00648 0001075706 0001412665 0000706863
  yvar min 5% median 95% max min_company median_company max_company
0 Liabilities -0.0237 -0.0155 -0.00124 0.0189 0.0628 0000812348 0001470205 0001260968
1 Assets -0.0276 -0.0159 0.00125 0.0127 0.0213 0001260968 0000739421 0001068851
2 Expenses -0.0866 -0.0251 0.0104 0.0133 0.0141 0001260968 0001068851 0001667161
3 Revenues -0.00212 -0.00209 -0.00206 0.00638 0.0540 0000036029 0001449794 0001327607
4 StockholdersEquity -0.0292 -0.0178 -0.00157 0.0239 0.0385 0000812348 0000880641 0001068851
5 NetIncome -0.0276 -0.0103 0.000187 0.00831 0.0411 0000073124 0001730984 0000906465
6 ComprehensiveNetIncome -0.0265 -0.0101 0.000222 0.00833 0.0416 0000073124 0000730708 0000906465
7 BaseVar nan nan nan nan nan 0000022356 0000932781 0000022356
8 EconomicCapitalRatio -0.0452 -0.0246 -0.00141 0.0283 0.0472 0000073124 0000036506 0001260968



error 200 × Aggregate label 'OtherNoninterestExpense' starts with 'Other' input.sec.calculation_linkbase.edgar_model_mapping
0000022356 0000034782 0000035527 0000036029 0000036270 0000036377 0000036506 0000039311 0000046195 0000073124 0000314489 0000315849 0000350852 0000354647 0000356171 0000357173 0000357301 0000700565 0000701347 0000702513 0000705432 0000706129 0000706863 0000709337 0000711669 0000711772 0000712771 0000714395 0000714712 0000715072 0000715579 0000716605 0000717806 0000719220 0000719402 0000719739 0000721994 0000723646 0000726601 0000729986 0000730708 0000731653 0000732417 0000736772 0000737468 0000737875 0000739421 0000743367 0000750558 0000750574 0000750577 0000759944 0000763563 0000763901 0000764038 0000767405 0000770460 0000776901 0000798941 0000802681 0000803164 0000810958 0000811589 0000811808 0000812348 0000818677 0000821127 0000826154 0000832090 0000834285 0000835324 0000836147 0000842517 0000846901 0000854560 0000855874 0000857855 0000859070 0000860413 0000861842 0000868671 0000870385 0000879635 0000880417 0000880641 0000883948 0000887343 0000887919 0000890066 0000894671 0000898171 0000906465 0000913341 0000920112 0000920427 0000921557 0000923139 0000932781 0000933141 0000944745 0000946647 0000946673 0001000232 0001005817 0001007273 0001013272 0001018399 0001025835 0001028918 0001028954 0001030469 0001034594 0001042729 0001046203 0001050441 0001051343 0001053584 0001068851 0001069157 0001071236 0001075706 0001083643 0001093672 0001094810 0001108236 0001127371 0001130144 0001163389 0001163668 0001166928 0001212545 0001227500 0001260968 0001263762 0001265131 0001275101 0001290476 0001312109 0001315399 0001323648 0001325670 0001327607 0001331520 0001341317 0001380846 0001390162 0001390777 0001407067 0001412665 0001412707 0001413837 0001423869 0001430723 0001431567 0001437958 0001449794 0001458412 0001462120 0001466026 0001470205 0001475348 0001476034 0001478454 0001483195 0001488813 0001492915 0001499422 0001499453 0001501570 0001505732 0001521951 0001539638 0001562463 0001564618 0001586454 0001594555 0001602658 0001606440 0001609065 0001613665 0001629019 0001641601 0001642081 0001649749 0001657642 0001667161 0001676479 0001693577 0001702750 0001716697 0001722010 0001730984 0001746129 0001747068 0001766526 0001767837 0001403475 0001594012 0000714562 0001077428
error 10 × No matching role found input.sec.calculation_linkbase.expand_agg
error 1 × No NetIncome node found, ignoring company. input.sec.calculation_linkbase.edgar_model_mapping
error 1 × Negative Expenses, ignoring company. pre-agg
warning 73 × Similarly named company. Duplicate? None
warning 11 × NetIncome node detected by IncomeLoss name heuristic input.sec.calculation_linkbase.edgar_model_mapping
warning 10 × No LiabilitiesAndStockholdersEquity node found input.sec.calculation_linkbase.edgar_model_mapping
warning 9 × Ignoring company because Assets is zero pre-agg
warning 6 × Ignoring company because Expenses is zero pre-agg
warning 2 × Large missing amount for aggregate "Assets" added to remainder. industry.us_generic
warning 1 × Large missing amount for aggregate "Revenues" added to remainder. industry.us_generic
warning 1 × Large missing amount for aggregate "Liabilities" added to remainder. industry.us_generic


Calculation Linkbase Overview

Edges which exists for less than five companies (and the corresponding nodes) are not included.

Absolute xval/yval quantiles

  xvar min 5% median 95% max min_company median_company max_company
0 Deposits 0 123,808,500 2,071,815,282 24,021,461,350 127,062,000,000 0000702513 0001325670 0000035527
1 LongTermDebt 0 0 0 296,450,750 27,501,000,000 0000022356 0000729986 0001390777
2 LiabilitiesAndBorrowings 0 0 560,127,454 12,924,669,900 99,257,000,000 0000702513 0001767837 0000759944
3 remainder_Liabilities -95,085,000,000 -10,846,020,850 -427,510,696 1,221,664,300 312,279,000,000 0000759944 0001163389 0001390777
4 LoansAndLeasesReceivable 0 24,864,700 1,754,432,913 19,966,569,100 109,756,000,000 0000073124 0001130144 0000035527
5 AssetsAndSecurities 0 5,165,621 277,050,877 4,770,757,600 60,275,200,000 0000854560 0000737875 0000073124
6 CashDepositsAndCashEquivalents 0 15,649,900 109,969,302 871,193,900 43,222,300,000 0000034782 0001390162 0000073124
7 Goodwill 0 0 17,660,261 977,995,150 17,386,000,000 0000034782 0001407067 0001390777
8 PropertyPlantAndEquipment 0 3,484,450 29,376,742 313,925,800 1,995,000,000 0000716605 0001323648 0000035527
9 remainder_Assets 9,004,000 24,414,700 154,924,828 5,427,730,500 343,901,000,000 0001746129 0001602658 0001390777
10 LaborExpense 0 0 0 195,949,050 2,214,200,000 0000022356 0000034782 0000073124
11 OtherNoninterestExpense 0 0 0 36,432,300 1,229,000,000 0000022356 0000702513 0000035527
12 Occupancy 0 0 0 35,181,100 332,000,000 0000022356 0000711669 0000035527
13 Fees 0 0 0 14,996,500 774,500,000 0000022356 0000702513 0000073124
14 ITAndEquipmentExpense 0 0 0 36,007,750 612,100,000 0000022356 0000356171 0000073124
15 remainder_Expenses 118,000 1,168,950 10,488,897 163,899,650 1,237,000,000 0001667161 0000726601 0000035527
16 remainder_Revenues 0 0 0 56,449,750 4,101,200,000 0000022356 0000721994 0000073124
17 remainder_NetIncome 0 7,884,200 59,573,333 736,056,050 6,073,000,000 0000857855 0001042729 0000035527
18 remainder_ComprehensiveNetIncome -29,431,000 -3,983,800 4,972,708 82,183,450 1,304,000,000 0000715072 0001641601 0000035527
  yvar min 5% median 95% max min_company median_company max_company
0 Liabilities 311,515,000 615,552,150 2,375,640,941 27,267,076,200 339,780,000,000 0001594555 0001499422 0001390777
1 Assets 344,195,000 677,415,300 2,793,885,897 31,973,191,900 381,508,000,000 0001594555 0000859070 0001390777
2 Expenses 118,000 1,228,550 25,375,780 447,866,300 5,350,000,000 0001667161 0001275101 0000035527
3 Revenues 0 0 0 56,449,750 4,101,200,000 0000022356 0000721994 0000073124
4 StockholdersEquity 32,680,000 60,607,350 307,792,147 3,532,859,450 41,728,000,000 0001594555 0001130144 0001390777
5 NetIncome -43,986,000 1,862,650 29,267,220 338,884,150 4,467,000,000 0001649749 0001458412 0001390777
6 ComprehensiveNetIncome -27,621,000 4,221,550 32,275,691 376,668,700 4,467,000,000 0001649749 0001071236 0001390777
7 BaseVar 328,847,500 660,906,925 2,618,152,524 30,168,802,400 363,997,500,000 0001594555 0001499422 0001390777
8 EconomicCapitalRatio 0.0377 0.0522 0.0746 0.103 0.232 0000812348 0001341317 0001767837

Effect quantiles (final effects with respect to final var and normalized if applicable)

  xvar min 5% median 95% max min_company median_company max_company
0 Deposits -0.0779 -0.0657 -0.0270 0.213 0.323 0000723646 0000732417 0001260968
1 LongTermDebt -0.0748 -0.0268 0.00396 0.00414 0.00496 0001483195 0000798941 0001767837
2 LiabilitiesAndBorrowings -0.439 -0.258 -0.0515 0.163 0.179 0001462120 0000887343 0000854560
3 remainder_Liabilities -1.50 -0.383 0.0418 0.195 0.274 0000702513 0001676479 0001462120
4 LoansAndLeasesReceivable -0.253 -0.238 0.0261 0.0848 0.112 0000073124 0000737468 0001475348
5 AssetsAndSecurities -0.0565 -0.0536 -0.00217 0.0926 0.187 0000932781 0000923139 0000073124
6 CashDepositsAndCashEquivalents -0.0240 -0.0189 -0.00622 0.0398 0.151 0000701347 0001290476 0000073124
7 Goodwill -0.00839 -0.00813 -0.00345 0.0189 0.0434 0000898171 0001030469 0001068851
8 PropertyPlantAndEquipment -0.00659 -0.00574 -0.000476 0.00685 0.0228 0000716605 0000763563 0001462120
9 remainder_Assets -0.0591 -0.0518 -0.0373 0.372 0.755 0000726601 0001290476 0000701347
10 LaborExpense -0.0475 -0.0129 0.00631 0.00636 0.00649 0001766526 0001412665 0000701347
11 OtherNoninterestExpense -0.0102 -0.00440 0.00126 0.00128 0.00139 0001163389 0001730984 0001767837
12 Occupancy -0.00677 -0.00296 0.00103 0.00104 0.00113 0001766526 0001051343 0001767837
13 Fees -0.00542 -0.00130 0.000466 0.000477 0.000512 0000073124 0001466026 0001767837
14 ITAndEquipmentExpense -0.00497 -0.00268 0.000836 0.000852 0.000918 0000763563 0001068851 0001767837
15 remainder_Expenses -0.0232 -0.00708 0.00112 0.00367 0.00453 0000701347 0001505732 0001667161
16 remainder_Revenues -0.00215 -0.00210 -0.00207 0.00515 0.0690 0000717806 0001068851 0000906465
17 remainder_NetIncome -0.0253 -0.0162 -0.00415 0.0189 0.136 0001327607 0001069157 0001767837
18 remainder_ComprehensiveNetIncome -0.00770 -0.00332 -0.000126 0.00384 0.0101 0001423869 0000946673 0001075706
  yvar min 5% median 95% max min_company median_company max_company
0 Liabilities -0.0251 -0.0158 -0.00167 0.0197 0.0706 0000812348 0000861842 0001767837
1 Assets -0.0333 -0.0155 0.00119 0.0128 0.0245 0001766526 0001053584 0001068851
2 Expenses -0.0793 -0.0232 0.0103 0.0135 0.0144 0001766526 0001430723 0001667161
3 Revenues -0.00215 -0.00210 -0.00207 0.00515 0.0690 0000717806 0001068851 0000906465
4 StockholdersEquity -0.0300 -0.0193 -0.000956 0.0223 0.0407 0000812348 0001042729 0001068851
5 NetIncome -0.0197 -0.00999 -0.000599 0.00718 0.110 0001649749 0000736772 0001767837
6 ComprehensiveNetIncome -0.0198 -0.00999 -0.000758 0.00857 0.112 0000726601 0000842517 0001767837
7 BaseVar nan nan nan nan nan 0000022356 0000944745 0000022356
8 EconomicCapitalRatio -0.0390 -0.0244 -0.00204 0.0268 0.156 0000812348 0001341317 0001767837



error 195 × Aggregate label 'OtherNoninterestExpense' starts with 'Other' input.sec.calculation_linkbase.edgar_model_mapping
0000022356 0000034782 0000035527 0000036029 0000036270 0000036377 0000039311 0000046195 0000073124 0000314489 0000350852 0000354647 0000356171 0000357173 0000357301 0000700565 0000701347 0000702513 0000705432 0000706129 0000706863 0000709337 0000711669 0000711772 0000712771 0000714395 0000714712 0000715072 0000715579 0000716605 0000717806 0000719220 0000719402 0000719739 0000721994 0000723646 0000726601 0000729986 0000730708 0000732417 0000736772 0000737468 0000737875 0000739421 0000740806 0000743367 0000750558 0000750574 0000750577 0000759944 0000763563 0000763901 0000764038 0000767405 0000770460 0000776901 0000798941 0000802681 0000803164 0000810958 0000811589 0000811808 0000812348 0000818677 0000821127 0000826154 0000832090 0000834285 0000835324 0000836147 0000842517 0000846901 0000854560 0000855874 0000857855 0000859070 0000860413 0000868671 0000879635 0000880417 0000880641 0000883948 0000887343 0000887919 0000890066 0000894671 0000898171 0000906465 0000913341 0000920112 0000920427 0000921557 0000923139 0000932781 0000944745 0000946647 0000946673 0001005817 0001007273 0001013272 0001015328 0001018399 0001025835 0001028918 0001030469 0001042729 0001046203 0001050441 0001051343 0001053584 0001068851 0001069157 0001071236 0001075706 0001083643 0001093672 0001108236 0001127371 0001130144 0001163389 0001163668 0001166928 0001212545 0001227500 0001260968 0001263762 0001275101 0001290476 0001312109 0001315399 0001323648 0001325670 0001327607 0001331520 0001341317 0001380846 0001390162 0001390777 0001412665 0001412707 0001413837 0001423869 0001430723 0001431567 0001437958 0001449794 0001458412 0001462120 0001470205 0001475348 0001476034 0001478454 0001488813 0001492915 0001499422 0001499453 0001501570 0001505732 0001516912 0001521951 0001539638 0001562463 0001564618 0001586454 0001594012 0001594555 0001602658 0001606440 0001609065 0001613665 0001629019 0001641601 0001642081 0001649749 0001667161 0001676479 0001693577 0001702750 0001716697 0001722010 0001730984 0001746129 0001747068 0001752036 0001766526 0001767837 0000036506 0001118004 0001403475 0001725872 0000861842 0000714562 0001657642 0001077428 0001000232
error 10 × No matching role found input.sec.calculation_linkbase.expand_agg
error 3 × Negative Expenses, ignoring company. pre-agg
error 1 × No NetIncome node found, ignoring company. input.sec.calculation_linkbase.edgar_model_mapping
warning 68 × Similarly named company. Duplicate? None
warning 12 × No LiabilitiesAndStockholdersEquity node found input.sec.calculation_linkbase.edgar_model_mapping
warning 10 × NetIncome node detected by IncomeLoss name heuristic input.sec.calculation_linkbase.edgar_model_mapping
warning 10 × Ignoring company because Assets is zero pre-agg
warning 5 × Ignoring company because Expenses is zero pre-agg
warning 1 × Large missing amount for aggregate "Liabilities" added to remainder. industry.us_generic
warning 1 × Large missing amount for aggregate "Assets" added to remainder. industry.us_generic


Calculation Linkbase Overview

Edges which exists for less than five companies (and the corresponding nodes) are not included.

Absolute xval/yval quantiles

  xvar min 5% median 95% max min_company median_company max_company
0 Deposits 0 349,539,750 2,603,537,063 30,709,017,350 159,081,000,000 0000716605 0000709337 0000035527
1 LongTermDebt 0 0 0 271,020,950 25,984,000,000 0000022356 0000719402 0001390777
2 LiabilitiesAndBorrowings 0 0 630,945,196 15,840,197,450 107,499,000,000 0000714395 0000717806 0000759944
3 remainder_Liabilities -102,333,000,000 -13,694,175,500 -410,018,970 1,013,847,300 397,529,000,000 0000759944 0001767837 0001390777
4 LoansAndLeasesReceivable 0 310,735,250 2,281,332,473 24,219,454,250 126,654,000,000 0000314489 0001341317 0000759944
5 AssetsAndSecurities 0 7,725,842 402,402,483 7,099,492,050 81,661,000,000 0000854560 0000723646 0000035527
6 CashDepositsAndCashEquivalents 0 19,031,070 228,214,879 2,296,545,000 64,265,700,000 0000034782 0000719220 0000073124
7 Goodwill 0 0 18,199,475 974,074,800 17,496,000,000 0000034782 0000826154 0001390777
8 PropertyPlantAndEquipment 0 0 29,629,869 312,805,050 2,088,000,000 0000714395 0001629019 0000035527
9 remainder_Assets -711,747,000 26,652,250 175,166,542 3,341,522,400 431,669,000,000 0000764038 0001118004 0001390777
10 LaborExpense 0 0 0 224,545,400 2,590,000,000 0000022356 0000812348 0000035527
11 OtherNoninterestExpense 0 0 0 45,347,600 1,061,000,000 0000022356 0000803164 0000035527
12 Occupancy 0 0 0 38,556,550 350,000,000 0000022356 0000356171 0000035527
13 Fees 0 0 0 16,920,200 763,100,000 0000022356 0000036029 0000073124
14 ITAndEquipmentExpense 0 0 0 41,224,400 673,500,000 0000022356 0000818677 0000073124
15 remainder_Expenses -31,296,000 1,576,998 10,928,103 146,952,350 842,000,000 0000750577 0001130144 0001390777
16 remainder_Revenues 0 0 0 44,973,550 4,322,200,000 0000022356 0000812348 0000073124
17 remainder_NetIncome 0 9,561,828 62,559,117 618,320,950 5,469,000,000 0000857855 0000036506 0000035527
18 remainder_ComprehensiveNetIncome -21,394,000 -3,863,250 4,901,501 104,484,200 1,409,000,000 0001594012 0000711772 0000035527
  yvar min 5% median 95% max min_company median_company max_company
0 Liabilities 28,505,627 765,962,400 3,100,360,928 33,227,636,950 423,513,000,000 0001725872 0001163668 0001390777
1 Assets 47,800,537 826,067,400 3,479,074,675 37,729,284,850 469,633,000,000 0001725872 0001163668 0001390777
2 Expenses 258,000 2,127,484 35,151,967 448,807,050 5,088,000,000 0000723646 0001075706 0000035527
3 Revenues 0 0 0 44,973,550 4,322,200,000 0000022356 0000812348 0000073124
4 StockholdersEquity 19,294,910 66,408,150 347,107,498 4,315,133,000 46,120,000,000 0001725872 0000709337 0001390777
5 NetIncome -312,729,000 -18,352,800 22,431,251 270,466,200 3,626,000,000 0000750577 0000887919 0001390777
6 ComprehensiveNetIncome -207,405,000 -10,932,650 26,373,282 351,151,300 3,626,000,000 0001649749 0001458412 0001390777
7 BaseVar 40,216,074 828,024,225 3,317,969,131 36,196,394,950 449,228,000,000 0001725872 0001163668 0001390777
8 EconomicCapitalRatio 0.0226 0.0406 0.0656 0.0895 0.230 0000726601 0000314489 0001725872

Effect quantiles (final effects with respect to final var and normalized if applicable)

  xvar min 5% median 95% max min_company median_company max_company
0 Deposits -0.0750 -0.0576 -0.0229 0.0843 0.370 0001312109 0001423869 0001725872
1 LongTermDebt -0.0445 -0.0127 0.00202 0.00210 0.00242 0001499453 0000073124 0001725872
2 LiabilitiesAndBorrowings -0.318 -0.252 -0.0178 0.152 0.178 0000736772 0000719739 0001725872
3 remainder_Liabilities -1.48 -0.267 -0.00572 0.193 0.224 0000716605 0001501570 0000736772
4 LoansAndLeasesReceivable -0.240 -0.158 0.0219 0.0944 0.124 0000314489 0001050441 0001475348
5 AssetsAndSecurities -0.0631 -0.0599 -0.00656 0.124 0.203 0001390162 0001263762 0001075706
6 CashDepositsAndCashEquivalents -0.0397 -0.0352 -0.00791 0.0614 0.284 0000034782 0000350852 0001312109
7 Goodwill -0.00703 -0.00692 -0.00340 0.0154 0.0416 0000898171 0000826154 0001068851
8 PropertyPlantAndEquipment -0.00542 -0.00510 -0.000323 0.00613 0.0178 0001649749 0001470205 0001478454
9 remainder_Assets -0.107 -0.0453 -0.0289 0.205 1.01 0001053584 0001747068 0001725872
10 LaborExpense -0.0384 -0.0118 0.00685 0.00692 0.00720 0001766526 0001212545 0001725872
11 OtherNoninterestExpense -0.00835 -0.00403 0.00145 0.00147 0.00152 0000356171 0001412665 0001725872
12 Occupancy -0.00515 -0.00281 0.00106 0.00108 0.00112 0000726601 0000759944 0000906465
13 Fees -0.0394 -0.00107 0.000706 0.000723 0.000746 0001725872 0000802681 0000906465
14 ITAndEquipmentExpense -0.00375 -0.00249 0.000942 0.000962 0.000988 0000357173 0000759944 0001725872
15 remainder_Expenses -0.0270 -0.00832 0.00129 0.00335 0.00536 0001227500 0001341317 0000750577
16 remainder_Revenues -0.00220 -0.00213 -0.00210 0.00486 0.0709 0001725872 0000812348 0000906465
17 remainder_NetIncome -0.0215 -0.0133 -0.00214 0.0190 0.0533 0001327607 0000868671 0001766526
18 remainder_ComprehensiveNetIncome -0.00670 -0.00269 -0.000329 0.00438 0.00826 0000920427 0000354647 0000036029
  yvar min 5% median 95% max min_company median_company max_company
0 Liabilities -0.0247 -0.0152 -0.00131 0.0172 0.125 0001594555 0000855874 0001725872
1 Assets -0.0282 -0.0135 0.000204 0.0118 0.0676 0001766526 0000039311 0001725872
2 Expenses -0.0591 -0.0228 0.00329 0.0141 0.0152 0001766526 0001312109 0000723646
3 Revenues -0.00220 -0.00213 -0.00210 0.00486 0.0709 0001725872 0000812348 0000906465
4 StockholdersEquity -0.0329 -0.0184 -0.00185 0.0187 0.194 0001594555 0001007273 0001725872
5 NetIncome -0.0325 -0.0108 0.000630 0.00781 0.0567 0001227500 0001390777 0000906465
6 ComprehensiveNetIncome -0.0344 -0.0108 0.000859 0.00975 0.0551 0000726601 0001341317 0000906465
7 BaseVar nan nan nan nan nan 0000022356 0000921557 0000022356
8 EconomicCapitalRatio -0.0438 -0.0258 -0.000720 0.0231 0.163 0000726601 0000314489 0001725872



error 186 × Aggregate label 'OtherNoninterestExpense' starts with 'Other' input.sec.calculation_linkbase.edgar_model_mapping
0000022356 0000034782 0000035527 0000036029 0000036270 0000036377 0000039311 0000040729 0000046195 0000073124 0000314489 0000350852 0000351569 0000354647 0000356171 0000357173 0000357301 0000700565 0000701347 0000705432 0000706129 0000706863 0000709337 0000711669 0000711772 0000712771 0000714395 0000714712 0000715072 0000715579 0000716605 0000717806 0000719220 0000719402 0000719739 0000721994 0000723646 0000726601 0000729986 0000730708 0000731653 0000732417 0000737468 0000737875 0000739421 0000740806 0000743367 0000750558 0000750574 0000750577 0000759944 0000763563 0000763901 0000764038 0000767405 0000770460 0000775215 0000776901 0000798941 0000803164 0000810958 0000811589 0000811808 0000818677 0000826154 0000832090 0000834285 0000835324 0000836147 0000842517 0000846901 0000854560 0000855874 0000857855 0000859070 0000860413 0000868671 0000879635 0000880417 0000880641 0000887343 0000890066 0000894671 0000898171 0000906465 0000913341 0000920112 0000920427 0000921557 0000923139 0000932781 0000944745 0000946647 0000946673 0001005817 0001007273 0001013272 0001015328 0001018399 0001025835 0001028918 0001030469 0001042729 0001046203 0001050441 0001051343 0001053584 0001057706 0001068851 0001069157 0001071236 0001075706 0001118004 0001127371 0001130144 0001163389 0001163668 0001166928 0001212545 0001227500 0001275101 0001275168 0001290476 0001312109 0001315399 0001327607 0001331520 0001341317 0001380846 0001390777 0001412665 0001412707 0001413837 0001423869 0001430723 0001431567 0001437958 0001449794 0001458412 0001462120 0001466026 0001475348 0001476034 0001478454 0001488813 0001499422 0001499453 0001501570 0001505732 0001516912 0001521951 0001539638 0001562463 0001564618 0001586454 0001594012 0001594555 0001602658 0001609065 0001613665 0001629019 0001641601 0001649749 0001657642 0001667161 0001676479 0001689731 0001693577 0001702750 0001722010 0001730984 0001746129 0001747068 0001752036 0001754226 0001766526 0001767837 0001823608 0001828588 0001901637 0001403475 0001725872 0000861842 0000736772 0000714562 0001077428
error 11 × No matching role found input.sec.calculation_linkbase.expand_agg
error 1 × No NetIncome node found, ignoring company. input.sec.calculation_linkbase.edgar_model_mapping
warning 64 × Similarly named company. Duplicate? None
warning 12 × No LiabilitiesAndStockholdersEquity node found input.sec.calculation_linkbase.edgar_model_mapping
warning 11 × Ignoring company because Assets is zero pre-agg
warning 8 × NetIncome node detected by IncomeLoss name heuristic input.sec.calculation_linkbase.edgar_model_mapping
warning 7 × Ignoring company because Expenses is zero pre-agg
warning 1 × Large missing amount for aggregate "Expenses" added to remainder. industry.us_generic


Calculation Linkbase Overview

Edges which exists for less than five companies (and the corresponding nodes) are not included.

Absolute xval/yval quantiles

  xvar min 5% median 95% max min_company median_company max_company
0 Deposits 0 422,846,300 3,540,843,569 39,449,838,850 319,694,000,000 0000040729 0000709337 0001390777
1 LongTermDebt 0 0 0 245,319,000 25,931,000,000 0000022356 0000719402 0001390777
2 LiabilitiesAndBorrowings 0 0 843,330,489 21,553,560,450 141,408,000,000 0000714712 0001746129 0000040729
3 remainder_Liabilities -104,647,000,000 -15,080,547,550 -614,322,642 1,078,832,800 11,236,000,000 0000759944 0001767837 0001390777
4 LoansAndLeasesReceivable 0 416,067,700 2,749,007,498 35,157,860,500 130,896,000,000 0000314489 0000714562 0000759944
5 AssetsAndSecurities 0 31,682,950 702,140,141 11,905,085,650 227,298,000,000 0000932781 0000736772 0001390777
6 CashDepositsAndCashEquivalents 0 26,534,050 329,547,935 4,241,227,000 125,158,000,000 0000034782 0001412707 0001390777
7 Goodwill 0 0 16,987,187 994,535,850 17,512,000,000 0000034782 0000716605 0001390777
8 PropertyPlantAndEquipment 0 0 32,049,509 318,920,850 3,431,000,000 0000034782 0000932781 0001390777
9 remainder_Assets -917,089,000 25,354,550 154,639,824 3,735,708,400 13,281,000,000 0001053584 0000714562 0000759944
10 LaborExpense 0 0 0 243,849,250 2,626,000,000 0000022356 0000811589 0000035527
11 OtherNoninterestExpense 0 0 0 58,637,750 2,206,000,000 0000022356 0000811589 0000040729
12 Occupancy 0 0 0 36,393,100 326,698,000 0000022356 0000737875 0000036270
13 Fees 0 0 0 14,334,300 849,400,000 0000022356 0000737468 0000073124
14 ITAndEquipmentExpense 0 0 0 29,945,900 736,300,000 0000022356 0000354647 0000073124
15 remainder_Expenses -657,000 2,026,177 16,682,642 237,353,050 1,292,000,000 0001725872 0000705432 0000040729
16 remainder_Revenues 0 0 0 95,141,700 8,206,000,000 0000022356 0000726601 0000040729
17 remainder_NetIncome -5,000,000 12,452,300 92,596,835 1,098,860,950 7,033,000,000 0000040729 0000854560 0000035527
18 remainder_ComprehensiveNetIncome -1,394,000,000 -142,106,650 -7,230,758 1,314,700 33,723,000 0000035527 0001127371 0001594012
  yvar min 5% median 95% max min_company median_company max_company
0 Liabilities 38,447,000 736,353,800 4,151,839,252 51,912,814,650 401,047,000,000 0001725872 0000879635 0001390777
1 Assets 76,428,000 807,984,000 4,572,801,784 56,796,539,000 444,438,000,000 0001725872 0000879635 0001390777
2 Expenses 1,230,000 2,722,050 43,171,798 664,670,300 5,495,000,000 0000731653 0001423869 0000035527
3 Revenues 0 0 0 95,141,700 8,206,000,000 0000022356 0000726601 0000040729
4 StockholdersEquity 35,716,000 70,638,650 432,980,073 5,268,716,300 43,391,000,000 0000890066 0000711772 0001390777
5 NetIncome -66,878,000 3,074,250 42,113,559 526,749,550 3,771,000,000 0000726601 0001018399 0001390777
6 ComprehensiveNetIncome -47,894,000 -1,850,200 35,052,884 424,509,450 2,531,000,000 0000314489 0001521951 0001390777
7 BaseVar 143,903,000 798,290,000 4,437,162,249 55,329,073,000 426,125,000,000 0001725872 0000879635 0001390777
8 EconomicCapitalRatio 0.0281 0.0405 0.0618 0.0886 0.627 0001075706 0000700565 0001725872

Effect quantiles (final effects with respect to final var and normalized if applicable)

  xvar min 5% median 95% max min_company median_company max_company
0 Deposits -0.0580 -0.0504 -0.0252 0.0494 0.832 0001071236 0000726601 0001725872
1 LongTermDebt -0.0525 -0.0118 0.00198 0.00206 0.00747 0000040729 0000314489 0001725872
2 LiabilitiesAndBorrowings -0.422 -0.255 -0.0756 0.154 0.475 0001462120 0000750577 0001725872
3 remainder_Liabilities -2.89 -0.260 0.0326 0.186 0.247 0001725872 0001676479 0001462120
4 LoansAndLeasesReceivable -0.230 -0.110 0.0193 0.108 0.155 0000314489 0000706863 0001475348
5 AssetsAndSecurities -0.0891 -0.0819 -0.00349 0.124 0.267 0000932781 0001069157 0000719739
6 CashDepositsAndCashEquivalents -0.0487 -0.0442 -0.00632 0.0943 0.170 0000034782 0001466026 0001431567
7 Goodwill -0.00646 -0.00628 -0.00333 0.0148 0.0373 0001075706 0000832090 0001068851
8 PropertyPlantAndEquipment -0.00493 -0.00480 -0.000260 0.00588 0.0192 0000763563 0001327607 0001478454
9 remainder_Assets -0.159 -0.0299 -0.0161 0.136 0.481 0001053584 0000854560 0000706129
10 LaborExpense -0.644 -0.00981 0.00743 0.00749 0.00760 0001725872 0001077428 0000763563
11 OtherNoninterestExpense -0.0113 -0.00460 0.00138 0.00139 0.00342 0000040729 0000842517 0001725872
12 Occupancy -0.0186 -0.00239 0.000919 0.000928 0.000968 0001725872 0000723646 0000906465
13 Fees -0.179 -0.000802 0.000835 0.000856 0.000879 0001725872 0000826154 0000906465
14 ITAndEquipmentExpense -0.500 -0.00145 0.00197 0.00200 0.00203 0001725872 0001118004 0000040729
15 remainder_Expenses -0.0122 -0.00485 0.000680 0.00291 0.0226 0001766526 0000737468 0001725872
16 remainder_Revenues -0.00604 -0.00593 -0.00588 0.000137 1.64 0000726601 0001466026 0001725872
17 remainder_NetIncome -0.0562 -0.0128 -0.00159 0.0153 0.0623 0001725872 0001050441 0001766526
18 remainder_ComprehensiveNetIncome -0.00976 -0.00466 0.000394 0.00296 0.00929 0001075706 0001163389 0000726601
  yvar min 5% median 95% max min_company median_company max_company
0 Liabilities -0.0210 -0.0148 -0.00249 0.0147 0.734 0001380846 0000854560 0001725872
1 Assets -0.143 -0.0107 0.00171 0.0128 0.0238 0001725872 0000039311 0001068851
2 Expenses -1.31 -0.0164 0.0114 0.0151 0.0165 0001725872 0001462120 0001312109
3 Revenues -0.00604 -0.00593 -0.00588 0.000137 1.64 0000726601 0001466026 0001725872
4 StockholdersEquity -0.0245 -0.0152 -0.00204 0.0203 0.198 0000834285 0001390777 0001725872
5 NetIncome -0.0339 -0.0101 -0.000277 0.00754 0.268 0001478454 0000036377 0001725872
6 ComprehensiveNetIncome -0.0331 -0.00970 -0.00102 0.00773 0.274 0001478454 0001327607 0001725872
7 BaseVar nan nan nan nan nan 0000022356 0000923139 0000022356
8 EconomicCapitalRatio -0.0372 -0.0248 -0.00352 0.0233 0.562 0001075706 0000700565 0001725872



error 179 × Aggregate label 'OtherNoninterestExpense' starts with 'Other' input.sec.calculation_linkbase.edgar_model_mapping
0000022356 0000034782 0000035527 0000036029 0000036270 0000036377 0000039311 0000040729 0000046195 0000073124 0000314489 0000350852 0000351569 0000354647 0000356171 0000357173 0000357301 0000700565 0000701347 0000705432 0000706129 0000706863 0000709337 0000711669 0000711772 0000712771 0000714395 0000714712 0000715072 0000715579 0000716605 0000717806 0000719220 0000719739 0000721994 0000723646 0000726601 0000729986 0000730708 0000731653 0000732417 0000737468 0000737875 0000739421 0000740806 0000743367 0000750558 0000750574 0000750577 0000759944 0000763563 0000763901 0000764038 0000767405 0000770460 0000775215 0000776901 0000803164 0000810958 0000811589 0000818677 0000826154 0000832090 0000835324 0000836147 0000842517 0000846901 0000854560 0000855874 0000857855 0000859070 0000860413 0000861842 0000868671 0000879635 0000880417 0000880641 0000883948 0000887343 0000890066 0000894671 0000898171 0000906465 0000913341 0000920112 0000920427 0000921557 0000923139 0000932781 0000944745 0000946647 0000946673 0001005817 0001007273 0001013272 0001018399 0001025835 0001028918 0001030469 0001042729 0001050441 0001051343 0001053584 0001057706 0001068851 0001069157 0001071236 0001075706 0001093672 0001118004 0001127371 0001130144 0001163389 0001163668 0001166928 0001212545 0001227500 0001275101 0001275168 0001290476 0001315399 0001327607 0001331520 0001341317 0001390777 0001412665 0001413837 0001423869 0001430723 0001431567 0001449794 0001458412 0001462120 0001466026 0001475348 0001476034 0001478454 0001488813 0001499422 0001501570 0001505732 0001516912 0001518715 0001521951 0001539638 0001562463 0001564618 0001586454 0001594555 0001602658 0001609065 0001629019 0001641601 0001649749 0001657642 0001676479 0001689731 0001693577 0001702750 0001722010 0001730984 0001746129 0001747068 0001752036 0001754226 0001766526 0001767837 0001823608 0001828588 0001901637 0001403475 0000719402 0000811808 0001725872 0000736772 0000714562 0000798941 0001077428 0001437958
error 11 × No matching role found input.sec.calculation_linkbase.expand_agg
warning 58 × Similarly named company. Duplicate? None
warning 11 × No LiabilitiesAndStockholdersEquity node found input.sec.calculation_linkbase.edgar_model_mapping
warning 10 × Ignoring company because Assets is zero pre-agg
warning 7 × NetIncome node detected by IncomeLoss name heuristic input.sec.calculation_linkbase.edgar_model_mapping
warning 4 × Ignoring company because Expenses is zero pre-agg


Calculation Linkbase Overview

Edges which exists for less than five companies (and the corresponding nodes) are not included.

Absolute xval/yval quantiles

  xvar min 5% median 95% max min_company median_company max_company
0 Deposits 0 388,962,600 3,589,086,907 34,894,568,200 278,970,000,000 0000040729 0000775215 0001390777
1 LongTermDebt 0 0 0 376,823,000 30,458,000,000 0000022356 0000714562 0001390777
2 LiabilitiesAndBorrowings 0 0 1,167,253,735 19,356,723,800 152,112,000,000 0000714712 0001478454 0000040729
3 remainder_Liabilities -129,529,000,000 -14,732,953,600 -670,588,740 1,514,037,600 10,795,000,000 0000759944 0001075706 0001390777
4 LoansAndLeasesReceivable 0 353,810,324 3,297,300,722 40,278,923,600 155,453,000,000 0000036377 0001499422 0000759944
5 AssetsAndSecurities 0 27,431,200 662,383,738 12,892,333,600 202,877,000,000 0000932781 0000743367 0001390777
6 CashDepositsAndCashEquivalents 0 15,993,674 130,287,215 1,285,380,800 113,854,000,000 0000034782 0000721994 0001390777
7 Goodwill 0 0 21,446,298 1,083,849,200 16,150,000,000 0000034782 0001766526 0001390777
8 PropertyPlantAndEquipment 0 0 33,533,629 386,273,600 3,256,000,000 0000034782 0000732417 0001390777
9 remainder_Assets -271,758,000 29,860,600 280,933,875 4,759,942,200 23,375,000,000 0001053584 0000721994 0000759944
10 LaborExpense 0 0 0 252,064,000 2,787,351,000 0000022356 0000700565 0000036270
11 OtherNoninterestExpense 0 0 0 57,767,000 2,507,000,000 0000022356 0000712771 0000040729
12 Occupancy 0 0 0 42,449,400 474,316,000 0000022356 0000714562 0000036270
13 Fees 0 0 0 26,715,800 880,300,000 0000022356 0000715072 0000073124
14 ITAndEquipmentExpense 0 0 0 39,858,800 838,800,000 0000022356 0000712771 0000073124
15 remainder_Expenses 0 1,979,898 17,691,560 254,833,600 2,306,000,000 0000356171 0001042729 0000040729
16 remainder_Revenues 0 0 0 103,066,600 8,428,000,000 0000022356 0000818677 0000040729
17 remainder_NetIncome -1,000,000 9,619,600 96,380,152 1,253,353,200 6,721,000,000 0000040729 0001275168 0000035527
18 remainder_ComprehensiveNetIncome -6,317,000,000 -709,937,600 -63,548,794 -1,461,600 18,207,000 0000035527 0000711669 0001747068
  yvar min 5% median 95% max min_company median_company max_company
0 Liabilities 22,178,000 757,280,400 4,431,434,056 54,270,784,200 364,933,000,000 0001725872 0001042729 0001390777
1 Assets 71,036,000 818,312,600 4,874,407,125 60,073,459,200 405,783,000,000 0001725872 0001042729 0001390777
2 Expenses 240,000 2,572,000 45,397,771 637,394,400 6,713,000,000 0000890066 0000946673 0000040729
3 Revenues 0 0 0 103,066,600 8,428,000,000 0000022356 0000818677 0000040729
4 StockholdersEquity 16,054,000 55,619,800 452,884,087 5,858,889,600 40,850,000,000 0000890066 0000701347 0001390777
5 NetIncome -46,058,000 4,986,000 45,514,172 519,616,800 2,560,000,000 0000726601 0000357173 0001390777
6 ComprehensiveNetIncome -3,871,000,000 -401,660,400 -21,290,031 98,095,600 519,234,000 0000035527 0001702750 0001068851
7 BaseVar 130,593,500 819,090,400 4,829,593,795 58,420,970,000 389,276,000,000 0001725872 0001042729 0001390777
8 EconomicCapitalRatio -0.0386 0.00618 0.0428 0.0803 0.507 0001075706 0000716605 0001725872

Effect quantiles (final effects with respect to final var and normalized if applicable)

  xvar min 5% median 95% max min_company median_company max_company
0 Deposits -0.0734 -0.0627 -0.0226 0.0436 0.800 0000890066 0000764038 0001725872
1 LongTermDebt -0.0490 -0.0125 0.00226 0.00237 0.00892 0000040729 0001275101 0001725872
2 LiabilitiesAndBorrowings -0.436 -0.236 -0.0793 0.155 0.482 0001462120 0001516912 0001725872
3 remainder_Liabilities -1.88 -0.277 0.0559 0.170 0.267 0001725872 0000944745 0001462120
4 LoansAndLeasesReceivable -0.251 -0.158 0.0233 0.107 0.130 0001130144 0001018399 0001828588
5 AssetsAndSecurities -0.100 -0.0750 -0.00515 0.121 0.255 0001725872 0000729986 0000719739
6 CashDepositsAndCashEquivalents -0.0205 -0.0160 -0.00769 0.0373 0.150 0000035527 0000036029 0000073124
7 Goodwill -0.00778 -0.00722 -0.00327 0.0160 0.0368 0001075706 0001069157 0001068851
8 PropertyPlantAndEquipment -0.00505 -0.00473 -0.000334 0.00539 0.0188 0000714395 0000946673 0000750574
9 remainder_Assets -0.0867 -0.0401 -0.0253 0.155 0.605 0001053584 0000946647 0000921557
10 LaborExpense -0.835 -0.00993 0.00778 0.00789 0.00801 0001725872 0000832090 0000763563
11 OtherNoninterestExpense -0.0121 -0.00453 0.00139 0.00142 0.00386 0000040729 0000846901 0001725872
12 Occupancy -0.0195 -0.00207 0.000867 0.000886 0.000908 0001725872 0001521951 0000906465
13 Fees -0.228 -0.000845 0.000937 0.000961 0.000980 0001725872 0001458412 0000906465
14 ITAndEquipmentExpense -0.620 -0.00134 0.00223 0.00228 0.00233 0001725872 0000712771 0000709337
15 remainder_Expenses -0.0620 -0.00731 0.000951 0.00355 0.00491 0001725872 0001702750 0000356171
16 remainder_Revenues -0.00630 -0.00616 -0.00605 -0.000222 1.78 0001075706 0000880641 0001725872
17 remainder_NetIncome -0.0631 -0.0134 -0.00280 0.0151 0.0671 0001725872 0000721994 0001766526
18 remainder_ComprehensiveNetIncome -0.0384 -0.0228 0.00123 0.0161 0.0461 0000709337 0001478454 0001725872
  yvar min 5% median 95% max min_company median_company max_company
0 Liabilities -0.0210 -0.0160 -0.00303 0.0148 0.773 0000898171 0000946647 0001725872
1 Assets -0.196 -0.0149 0.00271 0.0145 0.0316 0001725872 0000731653 0001068851
2 Expenses -1.76 -0.0177 0.0133 0.0163 0.0177 0001725872 0000776901 0000740806
3 Revenues -0.00630 -0.00616 -0.00605 -0.000222 1.78 0001075706 0000880641 0001725872
4 StockholdersEquity -0.0359 -0.0213 -0.00199 0.0240 0.389 0001075706 0001476034 0001725872
5 NetIncome -0.0468 -0.00860 -0.000280 0.00756 0.0472 0001725872 0001028918 0000906465
6 ComprehensiveNetIncome -0.0475 -0.0222 0.000628 0.0193 0.0559 0001075706 0000732417 0000906465
7 BaseVar nan nan nan nan nan 0000022356 0000921557 0000022356
8 EconomicCapitalRatio -0.0842 -0.0394 -0.00280 0.0346 0.462 0001075706 0000716605 0001725872


Parameter Value Min Max
PresentValueFactor 1.0 1.0 15.0
BalanceFactor 0.5 0.5 5.0
OCIFactor 1.0 0.5 1.0
HiddenReservesFactor 0.0 0.0 0.0
LLPO_stddev 0.2 0.2 10.0